Enter if you dare-- the Shrine of the Computer Catz.
You must remove your shoes before you enter the shrine
so as not to offend the Great Catz.

Entrance can only be granted to those who can see

Use Netscape 4.0 to receive the vision.

The Redmond faithful can commune with Internet Explorer 2.0 or higher
but you may need a VRML Add-In.

For those who want to enter the temple but cannot see it at all, they may worshipfully browse with cosmo player installed
or perhaps the stand-alone Open VRML project. If you try the latter, for Windows versions, you may need to get some dll files -- mesa3dll.zip , js32.dll , and glide2x.dll

How you approach the Goddess is very important,
please consult with her priestess, or the words at the bottom of the Temple screen, if you are unsure of anything.
Remember that not all browsers are created equal.

Now go and pay your homage!

[Enter VR]

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